Monday, December 1, 2008


Busy Thanksgiving. Turkey, family. Better-than-expected retail sales. Terror attacks in India. The anniversary of the assassination of Harvey Milk, the opening of the film "Milk" (to rave reviews and poor box office sales) and the appointment of Obama's national security team.

Also, today is World AIDS Day. Pro: more AIDS awareness. Con: more people being aware and ignoring the risks. Pro: better treatments. Con: still no vaccine and no cure and no prospect of either in the near future - why prevent or cure a disease when the real money is in treating it? Pro: fewer people dying in this country. Con: more people dying in other countries - especially African countries. Pro: Obama and a common-sense approach to fighting AIDS is in. Con: Everyone will still be paying the price for the Reagan-Bush-Bush years for generations to come.

Thanksgiving, World AIDS Day, Christmas, New Year's. This is the season to examine your priorities and set your goals - the season to remember how short our lives really are.

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